James Cullen Gordon Hutchinson
Sex: M
Individual Information
Birth: 3 Nov 1790 - Belfast, Antrim, Ireland Christening: Death: 24 Sep 1852 - Biggsville, Hadren Co, IL Burial: in Kirkwood, Warren Co, IL Cause of Death: AFN :
• Biography
Hutchinson/Delamarter• Cemetery
Father's Name = James Cullen Gordon Hutchinson
Father's Occupation = farmer, politician, lawyer
Father's Date of Birth = November 03, 1790
Father's Place of Birth = Antrim County, Ireland
Father's Date of Death = September 24, 1852
Father's Place of Death = Biggsville, Henderson, IL
Mother's Name = Sarah DELAMARTER
Marriage = Abt. 1811
Mother's Date of Birth = May 05, 1792
Mother's Place of Birth = Patterson, NJ
Mother's Date of Death = March 05, 1852
Mother's Place of Death = Biggsville, Henderson, IL
Comments1 = James C. Hutchinson was county commissioner of Warren county from 1838 to 1840 and when the county was divided. He was one of the first commissioners of Henderson county.
Child #1 = William John HUTCHINSON
#1 Birth = August 12, 1813
#1 Death = April 09, 1863
#1 Married = Nancy TYLER on November 25, 1840
#1 Comments: = Also known as Captain because of his generous donation to the Civil War soldiers from Henderson Co,
Child #2 = Samuel HUTCHINSON
#2 Birth = June 28, 1816
#2 Death = February 18, 1886
#2 Marriage = Martha Ann GRAHAM on March 16, 1842
#2 Comments = Biographical data in the History of Mercer and Henderson Co
Child #3 = Robert Milligan HUTCHINSON
#3 Birth = Abt. January 1819
#3 Death = 1902
#3 marriage = Elizabeth HANNA on May 29, 1845on
#3 comments = History of Iowa County, IA and was a county commissioner
Child #4 = Benjamin HUTCHINSON
#4 Birth = November 10, 1821
#4 Death = June 25, 1896
#4 Marriage = Anna Black MOORE on August 29, 1854
#4 comments = Mentioned in History of Iowa County, IA
Child #5 = Thomas Hanna HUTCHINSON
#5 Birth = May 05, 1824
#5 Death = February 10, 1860
#5 Marriage = Elizabeth Hannah BUTLER onJuly 01, 1851
#5 comments = Mentioned in " History of South Dakota "
Child #6 = Elizabeth Jane HUTCHINSON
#6 Birth = 1827
#6 Death = May 05, 1890
#6 Marriage = John A. RAMSDELL on February 26, 1861
#6 comments = One of the Founders of Western Oregon University
Child #7 = Sarah G. HUTCHINSON
#7 Birth = February 06, 1832
#7 Death = February 18, 1852
#7 Marriage = not married
#7 comments = John Ramsdell was a politican in TX
Child #8 = James C. HUTCHINSON
#8 Birth = October 10, 1835
#8 Death = February 13, 1920
#8 Marriage = Sarah COPELAND on February 14, 1865
#8 comments = politican in OR
Four graves and original white slab stones on the NW of corner of cemetery in Kirkwood, Warren Co, IL. were moved there from earlier burying place. The cemetery in Kirkwood is on the NW corner of the village. These stones are just south of an old ceder tree. The stones each have an outline of what looks like a tree with drooping branches and the lettering is legible (as of June 13, 1973).• Event, Bits of History, Monmouth Review
About 5 feet west of these stones is a newer brown granite marker some 5 feet high, 4 feet wide and 2 feet thick. On the east side of it are the following inscriptions:
James C. Hutchinson
November 3, 1970 -- September 24, 1852
Sarah, his wife
May 5, 1792 -- March 5, 1852
Sarah G, their daughter
February 6, 1832 -- February 18, 1852
Isabell, dau. of R.M. Hutchinson and E. Hutchinson (JH-3-5)
July 14, 1852 -- December 31, 1852
On the west side of this large brown stone is the following:
John M. Hutchinson (JH-4-1)
December 6, 1855 -- February 6, 1947
My mother, Belle F. Talbot, told me that this John Hutchinson was the one that had the older graves moved. I think she said he was from the Dakotas (Information from Edith Ackert papers would indicate his home was Delmont, S.D.) Mother said he came here on visits.
The above information came from: Mrs. James A. O'Daniel, 308 S. B. St. Monmouth, IL 61462.
James C. Hutchinson came from Ohio by water in June 1853, landing at Oquawka when there were but four families in that place. He had a wife four sons and two daughters. One of the sons was the late Col. Sam Hutchinson of Monmouth. Mr. Hutchinson was a commissioner of Warren countyu from 1838 to 1840 and when the county was divided was one of the first commissioners of Henderson county.• Immigration, to America, 1811
(this clipping was sent by B.F. Mickey, Munster, Ind. No indication of name of paper or date.)
• Census, Federal, 1820 in Greene Township, Harrison Co, OH
Free White Males Free White Females• Census, Federal, 1840 in Warren Co, IL
Under 10 3
26-44 1 1
Roll 109, Township 11N. 4W.• Census, Federal, 1850 in Henderson Co, IL
Free White Males Free White Females
Under 5 1
5-9 1
10-14 1
15-19 2
20-29 2
40-49 1 1
Roll 109, Township 11n. 4W• Event, The Oquawka Spectator, 29 Jan 1851
Dwelling 113, Famil 115
Hutchinson, James C, 59, m, Farmer, born Ireland; Sarah, 58, f, K.H., born NJ; Thomas, 29, m, student, born Ohio; Elizabeth, 23, f, , born Ohio; Sarah, 18, f,, born OH; James C, 14, m, , born IL.
Fugitive Slave Law.. We understand there was quite an animated discussion on this subject on Thursday last at the Hutchinson Grove, in this country.... J.C. Hutchinson and Col. Cresswell in favor of the law and Messers E.A. Payne and David Turnbull against it... The meeting adjourned to meet at the house of Mr. John Wood yesterday.• Obituary, Oquawka Spectator, 29 Sep 1852
Ruth Hutchinson, July 1974, Garland, TX.
Microfilm #R-555, The Qquawka Spectator, microfilm from Il. Historical Society Library, Springfield, Il., Paper dated September 29, 1852.• Biography, Mercedes-Henderson Co, IL History, 1881
DIED... ON Friday last, at his late residence in Henderson County, James C. Hutchinson Esq., aged 62 years.
Mr. Hutchinson is a native of Ireland, but emigrated to the United States in 1811, and since has been a worthy citizen of the Republic. Mr. Hutchinson was one of the oldest settlers, having taken up residence in this, then Warren County at as early period as 1833 and where he continued to reside until the day of his death. His talents were of no inferior order; and the estimation in which his personal and private character was held, was favorabley shown by the numerous concourse of citizens which followed his earthly remains to their last resting place.
Ruth Hutchinson, Garland, TX, 1974.
Published by H.H. Hill and Co, Chicago, IL
Amoung the early pioneers of this county, and deserving honorable mention, no name stands higher than James C. Hutchinson. Mr. Hutchinson was born in County Antrim, Ireland in the year 1790. Came to America in 1811 and passed his twenty-first birthday on the Atlantic ocean. He first settled in the state of New Jersey, where he was soon after united in marriage with the noble and true Miss. Sarah Dellamarter, who after became the mother of his six sons and two daughters, two of whom, Wm. John and Samuel were born in the city of Patterson, N.J. Five in Harrison County, Ohio, and one in Warren County, IL. From New Jersey Mr. Hutchinson removed to Harrison County, Ohio in 1818, where he followed farming and dealing in cattlelargely till 1833, when he with his family emigrated to Illinois, landing at the lower Yellow banks (Oquawka) on June 2. During the same summer he located a claim on Sec. 1, T. 10, R4, where he and his sons actively engaged in making hay preparatory to making a start in the stock business, which they finally succeeded in building up to immense proportions. During their first summer on the prairie the bread supply became exhausted, and finding hay-making with hand scythes and rakes without bread too exhaustive on physical system, Mr. Hutchinson went with a team to Quincy and purchased a load of flour, which answered a good purpose for his family and the neighbors (three within several miles0. In the fall of the first year of his settlement here he was induced by his neighbors to move his cabin from the prairie into the timber to avoid freezing to death the first winter, and his move was just across the line into Sec. 36, T.11 R.4, into a friendly grove, where he lived and prospered as a farmer and stock raiser till the time of his death, in 1852. The same year his wife and one daughter was laid near his grave.
(page 1366)
Other information shows the location of these graves were located in Henderson County but were later moved to Kirkwood, Warren County. This information inserted by Frank Hutchinson. See Mrs. A. O'Daniel.
According to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, passed at the session commencing the first Monday in December, A.D. 1841, entitled "An Act to Establish the County of Henerson", and election was held at the different precincts of said county on the fifth day of April, 1841, When Preston Martin and Benjamin Coghill were duly elected County Commissioners, who together with james C. Hutchinson, who had previously been elected County Commissioner of Warren county, and being included in the new county of Henderson, was retained office by said act, met at the town of Oquawka, the county seat of said county of Henderson, on Monday the 19th day of April, 1841 agreeable to a further provision of the above recited act, to hold term of the county commissioners' court therein provide for, and the said Preston Martin and Benjamin Coghill, being duly qualified as the law directs, proceeded to business (pages 877-878).
James C. Hutchinson continued to hold the office of county commissioner until the September term of the commissioners' court, when he was succeeded by Peasley.
Harry Jennings was the first attorney that settled in the county after its organization..... James C. Hutchinson practiced some at an early day. Of this number, Jennings, Spaudlin, Hutchinson, and Flemming are dead.... (Page 962)
Father: James McCullen Hutchinson Mother:
Spouses and Children
1. *Sarah Delamater Marriage: 1811 Status: Children: 1. Benjamin Ralph Hutchinson 2. William John Hutchinson 3. Col Samuel Hutchinson 4. Robert Milligan Hutchinson 5. Thomas Hanna Hutchinson 6. Elizabeth Jane Hutchinson 7. Sarah G Hutchinson 8. James C Hutchinson
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