Ellen Chestnut
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1 May 1844 - Glasgow, England Christening: Death: 14 Dec 1879 - Scipio, Millard, UT Burial: Dec 1879 - Scipio Pioneer Cemetery, Scipio, Millard, UT 2 Cause of Death: Consumption AFN :
• Event, Joseph Beecroft's diary entry, 15 Dec 1879
December 1879• Obituary, The Deseret News, Vol. XXVIII, No. 47, 24 Dec 1879Dec - About 10 this morning Bro. Benjamin Bennett came to tell us Ellen Beecroft died yesterday about 3 p.m. He told me John wanted me and mother to come. Brother Staffeson offered to take us. We were let in by the children and John. Sister Gates and Croft were there to dress the corps. John, poor fellow, hustled round and got us a good supper. A. W. Brown gave
address and Bishop Thompson conducted, a full choir sang. Then came a scene of sorrow as my son, his children took their farewell look at the dead. The father of the dead, Bro. Chestnut, being above all affected at the parting. The cries of Sarah Ellen, age 10 years, melted the hearts of all who went to view the body. The young widower and motherless children, Willie, Joseph Henry, Sarah Ellen, John and Robert with their aged grandfather, a scene of sorrow. Ellen Chestnut Beecroft born 1 May 1844 in Glasgow, England. Died 14 Dec 1879 in Scipio. John sent to help bring saints emigrating to Utah and met Ellen. She gave him 8 children. Two babies sleep in graves next to their mother and one little boy sleeps on the hill in Holden. On leaving cemetery we were invited to dinner at Bro. Thomas Gates. Bro. Benjamin Stringham brought Christmas gifts in shape of tea, soup and quantity of sugar.
DIED.• Obituary, Woman's Exponent, 1 Jan 1880 in Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co, UT
At Scipio, Millard County, at 3 p.m., December 14th, 1879, ELLEN CHESTNUT, wife of John H. Beecroft. Deceased was a native of Scotland, born May 1st, 1844; was baptized when aight years old, came to Utah with her parents in 1864; she was the mother of eight children; two sleep by her side and one at Holden. Her husband is left with the care of her father, now over 80, and four sons and one daughter.
OBITUARY: Ellen Beecroft; Scipio, Millard co., Utah
surname: Beecroft
Transcribed by W. David Samuelsen
Woman's Exponent, Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue 15 - 1 Jan 1880
At the same place (Scipio), Dec. 14, of consumption, in the thirty-eigth year
of her age, Ellen Beecroft. Her death is a severe blow to her husband and aged father, who she leaves with five small children to mourn her loss, her death being quite unexpected. It has cast a glom over our settlement.
Spouses and Children
1. *John Hurst Beecroft 1 Marriage: 20 Nov 1864 - Rockfort, Summit Co, UT Status: Children: 1. William Chestnut Beecroft 1 2. Joseph Henry Beecroft 1 3. Sarah Ellen Beecroft 1 4. John Chestnut Beecroft 1 5. Robert Chestnut Beecroft 1 6. James Beecroft 7. Mary Beecroft 8. Martha Beecroft
http://www.gencircles.com/users/jobeecroft/* http://www.geocities.com/reallen_99/AllenPedigree.html LDS Compact Disc #45 Pin #367915
Daughter of William Chestnut and Ellen McDonald.
1. GenCircles (Family of Jim Beecroft at http://www.gencircles.com/users/jobeecroft/1, dated 2002.)
2. Findagrave.com.
1 GenCircles (Family of Jim Beecroft at http://www.gencircles.com/users/jobeecroft/1, dated 2002.)
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