Doris E Becroft
Sex: F
Individual Information
Birth: 1904 - CT Christening: Death: Burial: Cause of Death: AFN :
• Census, Federal, 1910 in Wallingford, New Haven Co, CT
Silas W Becroft, age 41y, born CT; Nettie S, age 30y, born CT; son S Weldon, age 11y, born CT; son Donald D, age 9y, born CT; dau Doris E, age 6y, born CT; dau Vera E, age 1y 11m, born CT.
Father: Silas Weldon Becroft 1 Mother: Nettie S
Spouses and Children
1. *Self
1. Becraft, James O (
Becraft, James O (
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